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Creating a Buzz

We’re excited to have formed a buzzing partnership with Buglife, a charity dedicated to conservation, education, and policy change to protect invertebrates, including bees. We’ll be supporting a new project in Cornwall, where four hectares will be planted with 200,000 new wildflowers which in turn will support 80,000 wild pollinators. This area will form a ‘stepping-stone’ for wildlife, enabling pollinating insects to colonise new areas and help to ensure the future of several threatened bee species.

The following rare bees will be amongst the key beneficiaries of the project: Large Scabious Mining Bee (Andrena hattorfiana), the Brown-banded Carder Bee (Bombus humilis) Red Bartsia Bee (Melitta tricincta) and the Buff-banded Mining Bee (Andrena simillima).

Photograph: Sauce bottle surrounded by lavendar with text @buglife
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